
Wednesday, June 23, 2021

making my fillings for my pie

today i made my filling for my pie and tomorrow im going to make it a full pie but if we don't finish
them then we will have to make them on Friday but im not here on Friday so if we have made one im taking it home to cut up for my family and let them try it and they can judge it from 1-10 . i have a lot of berry's in my pie and apple the berry's i have in my pie is blackberry,raspberry and a lot of blueberry's and there is cinnamon and sprinkles in it to and there will be sprinkles on top of my pie. if i win then go to bakery 22 because they will be selling my pie there if you think it might taste yum and thank your for reading my blog. 

By Amber Morrissey.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

my finished poster of my delicious pie

    today I finished my my poster it's a fruit with  cinnamon and sprinkles on top in side of it has blueberry,peach,raspberry,Apple,rosemary and cinnamon it i have not tried it yet because we have not made them yet .

when we make the pies Cullum from bakery 22   will come try them and he will judge them and he will pick one pie and who,s ever pie  cullum likes the most he will bake the same pie for there whole family and mine is getting made from a group and I'm going to be in the group and my pie is going to be delicious it has raspberry,blueberry,Apple,peach,cinnamon and on the tope it has hundreds and  thousands sprinkles on top and i know it will be delicious and i mite even make it at home because i have all of the ingredients at home and especially cinnamon because of the cinnamon because of the possums at home because they always eat the walnuts of the tree at home. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Today we tasted herbs i did not like  any of them except garlic. The herbs we tried were rosemary,thyme,garlic,chives,mustered seeds ,oregano,parsley,chilli flakes,mint,sage and basil altogether we tried 11 herbs some were crunchy and some were yuck and other things my favourite was garlic because it was spicy and delicious and crunchy .