
Wednesday, March 24, 2021

our new maths books

yesterday we were doing maths in our new maths books .It was fun and a bit hard but it was still fun. We had to go up to page 16. I was the 2nd one done  I love doing maths it is my favourite like reading even tho we haven,t done that much reading. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

paper homing

This morning we had to do a procedural writing of what we did on Thursday  we had to finsh it before morning tea I finshed it just before the bell went .


On  Thursday my class was doing hockey first we did some tricks then mr milne said we can have  a game but then the bell rang so we had to have a game on friday but I was very said because I was not gonig to be at school on friday because I was going to taupo  to see my family and because it was my nans birthday  I did not no ho one but it was thine because I had fun at taupo. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


yesterday it was triathlon I came 7th it was really 
fun it was me and floras first one after every one 
was done we had lunch then mrs hall said we can
have a free swim after the free swim herb lade out 
the shoes then I went to get mine and they wernt  there
so I looked so much but I did not find them 
in the photo im the one at the 
back with the pink togs my favourite one out of
run,bike and swim was the swim because it was

tanemahuta art .

 in tanemahuta we have been doing art but this is the one ms joblin came up with this one this one is mine i will tell you the things you need

1 you will need a black piece of paper
2 you will need pastills or crayons  
3 you will need black pant
4 tooth pick
hope you like the art 

Friday, March 12, 2021

timetable circle

in room 4 we have been learning a lot of  mathgames  from mr milne but the one me and my class are playing now mr milne did not make the came were playing mrs goblen did it is very fun I will tell you what to do now


1. first you will need to write 4 number in the circle  

2. then you need to find two counters   

3.then find a buddy

4.then throw the counters on to the circle 

5. then work out what the answer is 

6.then let your buddy have a turn and work out the answer

hoped you like the game . 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

in room 4 we have been doing our maps im doing my first one because i only just stared
this new school it is the best i have been to even tho my friends at my old school are still there 

Friday, March 5, 2021

reading activates


in room 4 two of the reading groups have been reading about
titi and poha ready it is very fun reading about
titi and poha I love reading some other people mite not like 
reading but I do I read at home and at school but not that 
much at school because we only just started reading but at 
my old school I did Alot and that is how I started to like it.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dogs and cats.

In room 4 we have been doing perswasive writing we been doing 
 apple or banana we have been doing other things to like should
children have phones at school I said yes  and dogs and cats 
by Amber

Monday, March 1, 2021

practising Triathlon

if you are onederwing🤷 what we are doing we are pracktersing 🏋️ for triatholn we haveto run,bike and swim.