
Monday, August 30, 2021


 hi I'm Amber as you all know i am moving it is really hard me and my mum has been packing and my dad has been working. my dog has just had puppies there were 4 now there are 2. 2 of them died sadly but we still have 2 i call them George and little timmy i have taught them how to walk and get angry.

on Wednesday me my mom and sisters are moving but my dad has to stay and do work for a bit and then he will move back. i am going to my old school and my sisters are going to Taupo intermediate school and i will see my old friends but i will miss my friends from Gisborne very much  and natile if you are reading this i am going to miss you a lot . 

Friday, August 13, 2021

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

my basic facts

to day we did some more basic facts and here it is


Friday, July 30, 2021

today we started to do a reflection slide thing and it is about our week 
because it is with miss Mout because she is the best teacher

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

basic facts test term 3 week 1

Title: Basic Facts Testing - Week ___, Term ___ 
 Stage: 4 
Time: 21m 16s 

 Score:59\60 In my basic facts the thing I am doing well in is..trying my best at ansewering . 

In my basic facts I need to work timetables .

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

making my fillings for my pie

today i made my filling for my pie and tomorrow im going to make it a full pie but if we don't finish
them then we will have to make them on Friday but im not here on Friday so if we have made one im taking it home to cut up for my family and let them try it and they can judge it from 1-10 . i have a lot of berry's in my pie and apple the berry's i have in my pie is blackberry,raspberry and a lot of blueberry's and there is cinnamon and sprinkles in it to and there will be sprinkles on top of my pie. if i win then go to bakery 22 because they will be selling my pie there if you think it might taste yum and thank your for reading my blog. 

By Amber Morrissey.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

my finished poster of my delicious pie

    today I finished my my poster it's a fruit with  cinnamon and sprinkles on top in side of it has blueberry,peach,raspberry,Apple,rosemary and cinnamon it i have not tried it yet because we have not made them yet .

when we make the pies Cullum from bakery 22   will come try them and he will judge them and he will pick one pie and who,s ever pie  cullum likes the most he will bake the same pie for there whole family and mine is getting made from a group and I'm going to be in the group and my pie is going to be delicious it has raspberry,blueberry,Apple,peach,cinnamon and on the tope it has hundreds and  thousands sprinkles on top and i know it will be delicious and i mite even make it at home because i have all of the ingredients at home and especially cinnamon because of the cinnamon because of the possums at home because they always eat the walnuts of the tree at home. 

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Today we tasted herbs i did not like  any of them except garlic. The herbs we tried were rosemary,thyme,garlic,chives,mustered seeds ,oregano,parsley,chilli flakes,mint,sage and basil altogether we tried 11 herbs some were crunchy and some were yuck and other things my favourite was garlic because it was spicy and delicious and crunchy .

Thursday, May 27, 2021

my finished diorama

This is my diorama and my report i worked on them really hard i did my diorama about waihireri. on my background i have a waterfall,owls ,bushes,a really big leaf,rocks,little pieces of leaf,big white splashes from the waterfall coming down and a cave.

My report has things that tell you what  ear fungus is and it has a lot of writing on it .

I hoped you liked my diorama and report . 

Monday, May 24, 2021


last week on Friday we did science with miss joblon  me and Bella went in a pair we worked OK together  it was so fun we did science with magnets it was so fun because we tested out  if they moved with another some worked and some didn't and at the end we got to play with all of the magnets the one i mostly played with the moiling clay because the tecshter of it was so nice i loved the moiling clay and that was the first time doing science with miss joblon it was just so fun with her  it was the best day.   

Thursday, May 13, 2021

our kia weeks



on Monday the whole school went to Gisborne fisheries it was really fun we got to see hundreds of cray 🐠 i  couldn't even count them because there were so many 

and big 🐠 it was so cool even at the end because selvi the man who owens gisborn fisheries he tiped salt water ice on the ground and on blue house and green house it was so cool my hands were freezing at the end but still so cool  this is the best school i have went to out of my old one and my new one it is just the best school              

this is kiati beach it was really fun because Brooklyn found an   octopus it was so cool this is the best school

Monday, April 12, 2021

ANZAC writing

THIS  is my  Anzac writing if you are wondering why my text is red it is because it is the  colour of poppies first of all we made a big fram of the word  anzac   then we put one photo in each letter after we did that we writing in the doces then we where done .

Thursday, April 8, 2021

on Thursday my class  did a colouring in competition I was so excited  because mr Milne  said if we win our parents  will get a phone call from 4 square saying  your child has come 3rd 2nd or 1st  no one has got a call saying that. mr Milne said that the prize mite be a basket full of chocolate eggs and maybe some thing else like chocolate rabbits or lollies maybe even colouring in  or new coloured pens that will be so cool and this is the sad part we are colouring in against other schools    

                          i hoped you liked my storey                 

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

our new maths books

yesterday we were doing maths in our new maths books .It was fun and a bit hard but it was still fun. We had to go up to page 16. I was the 2nd one done  I love doing maths it is my favourite like reading even tho we haven,t done that much reading. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

paper homing

This morning we had to do a procedural writing of what we did on Thursday  we had to finsh it before morning tea I finshed it just before the bell went .


On  Thursday my class was doing hockey first we did some tricks then mr milne said we can have  a game but then the bell rang so we had to have a game on friday but I was very said because I was not gonig to be at school on friday because I was going to taupo  to see my family and because it was my nans birthday  I did not no ho one but it was thine because I had fun at taupo. 

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


yesterday it was triathlon I came 7th it was really 
fun it was me and floras first one after every one 
was done we had lunch then mrs hall said we can
have a free swim after the free swim herb lade out 
the shoes then I went to get mine and they wernt  there
so I looked so much but I did not find them 
in the photo im the one at the 
back with the pink togs my favourite one out of
run,bike and swim was the swim because it was

tanemahuta art .

 in tanemahuta we have been doing art but this is the one ms joblin came up with this one this one is mine i will tell you the things you need

1 you will need a black piece of paper
2 you will need pastills or crayons  
3 you will need black pant
4 tooth pick
hope you like the art 

Friday, March 12, 2021

timetable circle

in room 4 we have been learning a lot of  mathgames  from mr milne but the one me and my class are playing now mr milne did not make the came were playing mrs goblen did it is very fun I will tell you what to do now


1. first you will need to write 4 number in the circle  

2. then you need to find two counters   

3.then find a buddy

4.then throw the counters on to the circle 

5. then work out what the answer is 

6.then let your buddy have a turn and work out the answer

hoped you like the game . 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

in room 4 we have been doing our maps im doing my first one because i only just stared
this new school it is the best i have been to even tho my friends at my old school are still there 

Friday, March 5, 2021

reading activates


in room 4 two of the reading groups have been reading about
titi and poha ready it is very fun reading about
titi and poha I love reading some other people mite not like 
reading but I do I read at home and at school but not that 
much at school because we only just started reading but at 
my old school I did Alot and that is how I started to like it.

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Dogs and cats.

In room 4 we have been doing perswasive writing we been doing 
 apple or banana we have been doing other things to like should
children have phones at school I said yes  and dogs and cats 
by Amber

Monday, March 1, 2021

practising Triathlon

if you are onederwing🤷 what we are doing we are pracktersing 🏋️ for triatholn we haveto run,bike and swim.

Friday, February 19, 2021

my favourite pet

 this is my favourite pet it is a dog 

I love dogs because when ever I get sad 

my dog cheers me up with love .

by Amber

Monday, February 15, 2021

all about me

Hi my name is Amber.I am 8 years old.

I like to doing hunting 

my favourite thing to hunt for

is possum .

my favourite food is a hot dog.

my favourite animal a horse .

my favourite colour purple.

when I grow up I am going 

to be a farmer.

I have to sister there names are

Chloe and Tara my mum and 

dads name is Aaron and Melissa.

my favourite sport is touch rugby